If you want to get flexible but don't know where to start, we have your answer.👇
. In the TikTok, Cohan demonstrates three"super simple stretches for super inflexible people," all of which use a chair to provide extra support and make the poses more accessible. Here are Cohan's recommended stretches:Place your hands on the seat or back of a chair and perform the Cat-Cow stretch, arching and bending your back.Place your feet hips-width apart and circle your hips clockwise, then counter-clockwise, with your hands on the back of a chair.
The chair is effective, Cohan explains, because it offers different heights. The back of the chair is taller, so you don't have to bend over so far; once that becomes comfortable, you can switch to the seat of the chair, which is a lower height and will challenge your flexibility a bit more. So next time you're feeling stiff, give these moves a try to get your muscles stretched out and feeling more flexible.