Make the best of what comes your way by cultivating wisdom. Here's how.
and past experiences to new situations. There is a certain degree of intelligence needed to be able to recognize ways that a present situation may have elements that resemble past occurrences; consider the present situation and discern what, if any, previous knowledge or experiences may apply; and discern how one may apply past learnings to what is unknown. Wise persons can recognize patterns while appreciating the uniqueness of the new circumstance.
There are many factors in the world we do not have control over, so there are times when we simply lose. Butknow that the way we weather deep disappointment has a significant impact on the persons we become. Furthermore, they know that there may be actions we can take, or refrain from taking, that will lessen the negative and long-term impact of an undesirable outcome. Wise persons make the best of less-than-ideal situations.