A Galaxy With Ten Times the Mass of the Milky Way is Preparing to Become a Quasar universetoday storybywill
in Chile, which allowed them to study a region 40 times wider than the galaxy itself. They then consulted archival data obtained by the ALMA array, enabling them to measure the internal motion of the gas inside W0410-0913. As Peter Laursen, a researcher with the Cosmic Dawn Center in Copenhagen and a co-author on the study,“The observations revealed that W0410-0913 is surrounded by a swarm of no fewer than 24 smaller galaxies.
This implies that W0410-0913 resides in a region at least ten times denser than the average Universe. This was not entirely unexpected since hot DOGs are theorized to reside in dense environments. What’s more, W0410-0913 was already ten times as massive as our galaxy when the Universe was about 1/8th the current age of the Universe.