A Missouri cafe was forcibly shut down after its owner attempted to convert it to a private club with $1 membership fees to skirt local mask requirements.
"She's a single mom who has now lost everything," he said on
. "I met employees who are now out of work. All because of this politically motivated mask mandate and virtue signaling by [Kansas City] politicians."for Rae's, disabling new reviews because people were posting "their views on the news" not first-hand reviews of the restaurant.One review said Rae's was, "Great little home-cooking diner tucked away in a strip center.
Another patron said the service at Rae's was "absolutely horrid," adding: "Wish I could give it less than one star."Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commentingThe owner of Mikuni Restaurant Group told KCRA his attempts to find new staff have been unsuccessful, leading to temporary closures every Monday.