With the Oct. 23 death of Paul Harris, 69, at Goose Creek Correctional Center, the Alaska Department of Corrections surpassed the highest number of in-custody deaths the department has seen in the past decade. Via AlaskaBeacon
This symbol is inside of the Alaska Department of Corrections office on Sept. 7, 2022, in Douglas, Alaska.
Paul Harris, 69, died on Oct. 23 at Goose Creek Correctional Center, becoming the 16th person to die in the state’s prison system this year, according to anWith this death, Corrections surpassed the highest number of in-custody deaths the department has seen in the past decade, the time period for which records are immediately available. In 2015, 15 people died in Corrections custody. That’s in contrast to four people who died in custody in the decade low of 2019.
In its release, Corrections stated that Harris, who was sentenced, had been in custody since June 14, 2016. The release said Harris’ death was “expected.”