If you suspect a loved one may have Alzheimer's disease, here are 10 signs to look for. More information:
Are you worried about your mental sharpness? Or maybe that of a loved one’s?
Mild forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging. If you have trouble remembering someone's name but it comes to you later, that's not a serious memory problem. But if memory problems are seriously affecting your daily life, they could be early signs of Alzheimer's disease. While the number of symptoms you have and how strong they are vary, it’s important to identify the early signs. You need to ask yourself some tough questions.This is the most common symptom.
Conversations can be a struggle.
Are you scaling back on projects at work? Are you less involved with your favorite hobbies? Do you lack motivation? Do you find yourself watching television or sleeping more than usual?Do you get upset more easily? Do you feel depressed, scared, or anxious? Are you suspicious of people?If you notice these signs, talk with your doctor. They will evaluate your physical and mental health.