Astronomers have discovered a 'really weird' object 4,000 lightyears away from Earth, a study published in Nature on Wednesday said. The object disappears from view every other minute and emits a giant burst of radio waves three times an hour.
Astronomers have discovered a "really weird" object 4,000 lightyears away from Earth, a study published inon Wednesday said. The object disappears from view every other minute and emits a giant burst of radio waves three times an hour.
The object, which the astronomers say is unlike anything else they've discovered, sends out a massive beam ofthat, every 20 minutes, becomes one of the brightest in the sky. It also spins and disappears every other minute. "When studying transients, you're watching the death of a massive star or the activity of the remnants it leaves behind," ICRAR-Curtin astrophysicist and co-author of the study Dr. Gemma Anderson said.Slower transients, such as supernovae, can appear in a few days and stick around for a couple of months.transients, like some neutron stars, "flash" on and off multiple times in a second.