The FedEx driver was not wounded in the incident. One of his attorneys, Carlos Moore, said he believes police are not taking the investigation seriously. Two white men are facing charges, but Moore said the state needs to upgrade those to attempted murder.
of the driver in Mississippi, saying it’s another example of Black Americans facing danger simply for going about their daily activities.
Moore said Gibson had done nothing wrong before two white men tried to stop him, with one of the men holding a gun.A Justice Department spokesperson confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday that the department received a request to look into the case and will review the request to determine any next steps.
He said the pickup driver tried to cut him off as he left the driveway. Gibson swerved around him and then encountered a second man who had a gun pointed at the van and was motioning for him to stop. Gibson said the man fired as he drove away, damaging the van and packages inside. He said the white pickup chased him to the interstate highway near Brookhaven before ending the pursuit.
The attorneys who represent the men — Terrell Stubbs for the father and Dan Kitchens for the son — did not immediately respond to two phone messages that the AP left for each of them Thursday. A person in Stubbs’ office said he was in court, and a person in Kitchens’ office said he was out of the office.“I have real bad anxiety since the incident,” Gibson said.