Local health agencies are on a quest to learn more about long Covid. To that end, organizers of a new research project will be calling residents who previously had Covid to ask about their experience.
Bay Area researchers are launching a study aimed at understanding the effects of long COVID to develop treatment and prevention strategies.Local health agencies are on a quest to learn more about long COVID. To that end, organizers of a new research project will be calling residents who previously had COVID to ask about their experience."Biking, you know, 10 miles a day, back and forth from work, from the Sunset to SOMA, tennis, hiker," McCone said.
"It's completely unrecognizable from what it was before. It's a nightmare. I got sick when I was 30. I'm now 32. I've spent my entire 30s with this condition, completely housebound," McCone said.McCone is a patient at the UCSF Optimal Clinic for Long Covid.