ICYMI: Garchomp V Character Super Rare is the second most valuable card of the PokemonTCG: AstralRadiance Trainer Gallery, and here's why. Pokemon
\nIn May 2022, Pokémon TCG released the second main series set of 2022. The expansion, Sword & Shield – Astral Radiance, came out on May 27th, 2022. It is the tenth set under the Sword & Shield banner and is the first to include the Radiant Pokémon mechanic. Radiant Pokémon are similar to Shining Pokémon of the past as they include a Shiny Pokémon with holofoil and texture on the figure rather than the background.
Today, we continue with the Trainer Gallery subset from Sword & Shield – Astral Radiance.\nCards of Astral Radiance. Credit: Pokémon TCG\nToday, we wrap up the Character Super Rare section of the Sword & Shield – Astral Radiance Trainer Gallery with a beautiful Garchomp V CSR by artist Taira Akitsu. Akitsu illustrates Garchomp with the iconic trainer Cynthia in this elegant image that sees the powerful trainer kicking back with full confidence in her Garchomp's power.