The shocking moment a man begins a fire in Lincoln A&E department
Lincolnshire Police have released shocking footage of the moment a deliberate fire was started in the A&E department of Lincoln County Hospital.The CCTV footage shows Watson, wearing a distinctive black jacket with Elvis on the back, entering a room just off the main A&E department.Worried members of staff quickly evacuate the department, and Watson himself is escorted out of the smoke-filled corridor after he emerges from the room.
Watson, of Vicarage Court, Sleaford, had entered the hospital as a patient claiming chest pains, and was later identified from the CCTV footage. However, he admitted a separate arson charge months before where he set fire to a bin near to a burger bar in an alleyway in Sleaford Market Place on October 16 2021.
John Gillon Watson seen on CCTV after starting a fire in Lincoln County Hospital | Photo: Lincolnshire Police