Camille Zeidan, 55, shot at the customer, who threw a pack of gummy bears at Zeidan during an argument over the price of cigars, according to police. The bullet missed and hit a cooler.
The South Collinwood convenience store where an argument over the price of cigars led to a shooting on Saturday.CLEVELAND, Ohio-- A convenience store clerk on Saturday shot at a customer after a dispute over the price of cigars, police say.
Zeidan is charged with felonious assault, a second-degree felony. He posted 10 percent of a $5,000 bond at his initial appearance in Cleveland Municipal Court on Monday. The man told police that he was attempting to buy Black and Mild cigars on discount—as advertised by a display sign—but Zeidan refused the price reduction and claimed the sign was old.
Zeidan drew a gun and aimed it at the man, who avoided being shot by using a “tuck and role” maneuver, according to the police report. He then escaped to a car in the parking lot.