Cavapoo Max features in an app designed by primary school children to boost their mental health.
Two years of Covid has taken its toll on children's wellbeing, but pupils at one school have devised their own app to boost happiness and health.
Chloe, 10, who worked on the content, wanted to help as "everyone's mental health has been affected" by Covid. It also led to the school working with the Dragons rugby team, bringing their skills to help the club develop its new app. Assistant head teacher, Hannah Trinder said: "Our pupils really deeply missed the social connection with their friends and their peers when we were in lockdown periods, so coming back to school and having a huge focus on collaboration and working with one another.. it's really helped them to focus on the areas they they've missed out on during lockdowns."
"Pupils don't litter anymore, because they know that if they drop things on the floor Max will eat it.