People who contract COVID-19 face higher risks for 20 different heart and vascular diseases after being infected, according to a new study published in Nature Medicine.
. That means the paper doesn’t address whether the risks for long-term cardiovascular problems are the same after breakthrough infections in vaccinated people. Another study is analyzing that question and is now under review at a medical journal, the news outlet reported.
In addition, study authors noted, the analysis focused on the veteran population, which tends to be older, white, and male. About 90% of the patients were men, more than 70% were white, and the average age was 60. The research team controlled for the possibility that those who contracted COVID-19 were already more prone to developing cardiovascular disease,“COVID is an equal opportunity offender,” Ziyad Al-Aly, the senior study author and chief of research at the VA St.
“We found an increased risk of cardiovascular problems in old people and in young people, in people with diabetes and without diabetes, in people withScientists are now studying how COVID-19 damages the heart and blood vessels and increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases.
“What really worries me is that some of these conditions are chronic conditions that will literally scar people for a lifetime,” he said. “It’s not like you wake up tomorrow and suddenly no longer have heart failure.”Fox News: “COVID infected patients at risk for 20 types of heart and vascular disease: study.”© 2022 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.