Danish Producers Sound The Alarm Over Dispute With Streamers Costing The Industry an Estimated $200 Million
The Danish Producers’ Association and Create Denmark, the guild representing writers, actors and directors, among others, have been involved in a bitter dispute over fees and rights with local and global streaming services includingWhile Viaplay signed a temporary agreement over the summer which is valid through December, other services, including Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+ and Amazon Prime have fully stopped the development or production of Danish content since January.
Netflix admitted it had to stop Danish commissions back in June with a statement which said, ‘It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you that from today, we cannot order or develop new Danish films or series until further notice, due to challenges we have faced in clearing rights with the Danish unions.” Netflix has had its own share of civilized clashes with French guilds overwhich is currently set at 15 months after the theatrical release.
With dozens of titles stuck in limbo for almost a year, many Danish producers who have depended on streamers to get a steady flow of commissions for years are increasingly worried. An open letter, released by Nordisk Film and TV Fond, was signed by several prominent companies, including Miso Film (“