The relationship started one drunken night when we bumped into each other at a club and everything happened very fast after that.
I got pregnant within weeks of us meeting but it felt right so we moved in together and got married the year after our daughter was born.
The last time we went out, he offered to move a car as it was blocking someone in, and smashed it into a bollard. He also managed to set fire to his own hair on a candle. It’s not funny any more. I need him to grow up! Any suggestions? I think it’s important to tackle this when your husband is sober. Find a day when you have his attention and tell him that you love him, but you can’t stand being around him when he’s drunk – it’s no longer funny or attractive.and if he finds that difficult, then he needs to think of ways to avoid that tipping point.
He needs to think about this stuff before he goes out and not just wing it on the night and hope for a different outcome.