“An ‘I'm sorry’ paired with staring down three more years of teasing by 99 percent of the other students doesn't sound that comforting.”
: Derreck, please tell me I gave this high school student good advice. I don’t want to be responsible for messing up anyone’s adolescence.: There’s no way were you a nerd in high school though.: Yes, I was! I carried a strong B+ average in high school. A lot of honor roll love. Did all my homework. Played role-playing games after school. But I also listened to a ton of hip-hop, loved sneakers, and could draw, so I think that helped me stave off any hardcore bullying.
Anyway, I don’t want LW to be forced into a friendship they don’t want, but “if you ever want to talk or hang out let me know” paired with standing up for Eric in the future could be really nice. Life-changing, even? I guess there’s also the distinct possibility that Eric thinks his classmates are dumb and annoying and isn’t interested.: Eric is gonna do big things in his life. Not having a social media presence in high school in this day and age is super rare. It would behoove the LW to attempt to get to know him. He may not be open to it, but a light offer wouldn’t hurt at all.: Especially when he becomes a Nobel prize winner or something.