In any case, Trump danced with his wife Melania to the Sinatra tune 'My Way' at his inaugural ball in 2017.
“He actually did loathe him,” was Nancy Sinatra’s response.If you look carefully, you’ll notice that the tweets were posted by Farrow and Sinatra on July 3, 2020. They were apparently in response to then-President Trump’s since-abandonedto build a “National Garden of American Heroes,” and his proposal to include Frank Sinatra among the “heroes” in the hero garden.
Although we don’t know what, specifically, Nancy Sinatra was referring to, it is public knowledge that her father, who died in 1998, had a beef with Trump from well before Trump became president. Weisman said that when he called Sinatra with Trump’s offer, Sinatra responded that Weisman could either tell Trump to “go f–k himself,” or give Sinatra Trump’s number and he would tell him himself. Weisman, who managed Sinatra from 1975 until 1998, said he went and delivered the message to Trump: “Sinatra says go f–k yourself!” Sinatra played the Sands in Las Vegas instead, and in a twist, Trump picked Sinatra’s “My Way” as the first dance at his inaugural ball.
It contained a wide-ranging assortment of figures, from fairly modern celebrities like televangelist Bill Graham and singer Whitney Houston to political and historical figures, including conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Christopher Columbus, and Martin Luther King, Jr.Wan, William. “Historians Question Trump’s Choice of ‘Heroes’ for National Garden Monument.” Washington Post. 4 July 2020, https://www.washingtonpost.