Donald Glover is known for his minimal press, which is probably why he chose to interview himself for his new Interview magazine cover story.
For chaos reasons, now I need a Black woman to interview Donald Glover since he said he’s not afraid of us.Glover attempts to continue the discussion on race but quickly shuts himself down: “Can I say something? I hate talking about race more than five minutes unless it’s with other Black people and/or we’re laughing.”
Elsewhere in the piece, Glover touched on social media, saying that he only thinks “life is real unless some things are just for you,” adding that “everyone I meet who’s active on the internet looks tired as f— in real life.”his sophomore album as Childish Gambino, was “the rap. It’s prescient in tone and subject matter and extremely influential. And I know no one’s gonna give me that until I’m dead. But it’s true.
As for new music, Glover told himself that he’s been “rapping a lot. Producing.” and “doing features.” He declined to talk about any of these projects, however, and said that one verse in particular probably will not come out because the artist’s management thinks it’s too controversial.