While candles and air fresheners help mask smells, they don't eliminate them
Discussing household odours may not be the most pleasant conversation, but it's crucial to address them. Unpleasant smells in your home could signal underlying issues that may lead to significant expenses.
Camilla Lesser, development manager at Essential Living, has provided ways to combat some of the most common household odours.Camilla said: "Let fresh air in! While it may seem obvious, many of us refrain from opening windows during the winter, fearing a chill entering our homes. Yet, opening windows throughout the home should be an essential part of your cleaning routine.
"Another potential culprit for funky smells in the kitchen is the sink. A mixture of one cup each of baking soda and vinegar, poured down the drain and left for an hour before flushing with warm water, can help eliminate odours. Use an old toothbrush to clean into the plug drain for better results.