STREAMING NOW | Watch our half-hour special: 'Eyewitness News Guide to Gas Prices', as we take a bigger looks at how we got here and how long we can expect this to last
Here are some of the latest headlines on rising gas prices and its impactGas prices continue to skyrocket at the fastest pace in history and are expected to continue to rise through the month, due both to inflation and the war in Ukraine. Right now, the
is $4.10 a gallon in New Jersey, $4.21 in New York and $4.22 in Connecticut. The national average is $3.92 a gallon, a more than 30 cent increase from just five days earlier.President Joe Biden announced Tuesday the, toughening the toll on Russia's economy in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, but he acknowledged it will bring costs to Americans, particularly at the gas pump. He warned that Americans will see rising prices, saying,"Defending freedom is going to cost.
and shut down its service stations, aviation fuels and other operations in the country amid international pressure for companies to sever ties over the invasion of Ukraine. The company said in a statement that it would withdraw from all Russian hydrocarbons, including crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and liquefied natural gas,"in a phased manner."