Despite persistent claims to the contrary, none of the three authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccines contains fetal tissue.
The fetal cell lines used in testing, developing or producing some vaccines are distinct from fetal tissue, and no vaccine contains fetal tissue
In an early phase of development, two of the coronavirus shots — the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna — were tested in cell lines that were long ago made from an aborted fetus. And the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is manufactured using a cell line derived from aborted fetal tissue. Neither fetal cells nor fetal tissue, however, are present in any of the vaccines, and no new abortions were involved in making any aspect of the vaccines possible. Numerous religious groups and anti-abortion organizations have said it isConfusion about the role of fetal cells or tissue — or lack thereof — with the COVID-19 vaccines has bubbled up most recently due to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.