Liverpool's waterfront will come alive with spectacular fiery performances
Taking place from February 12 - 17, Liverpool's waterfront will "come alive in a fiery display of choreographed fire shows and freestyle fire performers from Bring the Fire Project."
Showing off their pyro-skills throughout the week at Martin Luther King Jr. plateau, expect martial arts-inspired routines, flaming sword fights, and more.READ MORE: Liverpool brand that featured in Vogue selling 'magic' £30 wrinkle cream New for this year, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a fire walk on Thursday, February 15. Those looking to put their bravery to the test can experience temperatures of more than 1200°C, with only 70 spaces available on a first come first serve basis via Eventbrite. You can register for ticket announcements here.
On Valentine’s Day, the Britannia Courtyard will offer unique selfie spots featuring flaming hearts from 6pm - 8pm. Creating a fiery finale on Saturday, February 17, spectators can see the return of the three-metre-high fire-breathing dragon from 2pm - 6pm. The dragon will roam around the dock, from the Martin Luther King Jr. Building and along Hartley Quay, filling the sky with flames. Adding to the atmosphere will be a Comic Con parade with a series of favourite superheroes and TV characters, including Game of Thrones.