Former Republican legislator Vic Kohring died in a vehicle crash on the Glenn Highway north of Palmer on Tuesday. In 2006, Kohring was caught on video accepting cash and agreeing to push a tax proposal favored by oilfield services company VECO.
Vic Kohring greets potential voters along the Parks Highway as he seeks a Wasilla City Council seat in the Mat-Su election Tuesday evening, October 1, 2013 near the Palmer-Wasilla Highway.
Alaska State Troopers say the 64-year-old Wasilla resident was driving a van that collided head-on with a semi-truck after crossing the center line. On the tapes, Kohring can be heard asking VECO founder Bill Allen for help with a $17,000 credit card bill. The videos show Allen handing Kohring cash to pay for — among other things — his daughter’s Girl Scout the state House from 1995 until he resigned in 2007. He was chair of a special oil and gas committee. He favored small government, opposed taxes and slept in his Juneau office to save money.