Gboard's Grammar Check which performs real-time scanning of sentences looking for grammatical errors, is now being made available to all Amdroid users.
No longer a feature limited to Pixel models only, Google is making Gboard's Grammar Check available for other Android devices. No, the feature will not perform a virtual welfare check on your grandma in Boca Raton, but it will alert you in real-time if you failed to put a comma in the appropriate spot or if you put a comma where one doesn't belong. Consider it Google's answer to the Grammerly app.
When Grammar Check detects a grammatical blunder, it will underline the error in blue and make suggestions on how to fix the error. The feature can be disabled via Gboard's settings menu. Promoting Grammar Check, Google says,"More than just a spell check, the new grammar correction feature on Gboard works entirely on your device to detect grammatical errors and offer suggestions to help you bring your thoughts to life.
in February before giving users of all non-Pixel Android phones the opportunity to create bullet-proof sentences. In this example, Grammar Check underlines the wrong use of the word Your suggesting a replacement. The replacement is tapped and the sentence is automatically fixed In the above example, an Android user texts a friend to remind him to move"you're clock" ahead for Daylight Savings Time. The feature underlines in blue the word"you're" since it is incorrectly used in this sentence. Tapping on the underlined word results in the suggestion to use the spelling"your" and tapping on that recommendation corrects the sentence by substituting"your" for"you're.