“I don’t think I’m more interesting than anyone else nor would I describe myself as a narcissist. However, I am told, ‘You always make it about you’… and, to be fair, I sort of do.”
People with ADHD tend to talk — a lot. We talk because we’re excited or nervous, or because we just want to be a part of the conversation. Sometimes we talk simply to fill the silence because silence is hard for us. When filling these gaps or reciprocating interest or signaling excitement, I tend to talk about myself — and it’s one of my most frustrating ADHD traits.
I don’t think I’m more interesting than anyone else nor would I describe myself as a narcissist. However, I am told, “You always make it about you.” The people saying this aren’t adversaries; they’re often my best mates or loved ones. And, to be fair, I sort of do.
These habits become more prevalent depending on my level of emotional involvement, blood-alcohol level, or general excitement for the person and/or topic. If I’m not careful, I can get sucked in to a talk tunnel, where I jump topics like a live wire — overriding or dismissing or drowning out my conversation partner’s contributions. Eventually, that person look at me awkwardly and my bubble bursts. They may write me off as aor worse, someone who doesn’t care.
As an extrovert, I fill the room and like to make people laugh, and two pints down I’m on a roll, ready to entertain. But by the end of my show, it feels like people sometimes are tired of me.There’s rarely a pay-off to this behavior. I’m not forming or solidifying deep friendships.
I’ve since been working on active listening and curbing my propensity to talk too much. So, I created some goals that you may like to try.