HTC released a video that shows off its version of the metaverse that it calls Viverse after its Vive VR headset.
as soon as next month. The last flagship HTC shipped was a blockchain-related handset called the Exodus 1.
Later, at home, she taps her glasses, and thanks to VR she converts her home into a Starbucks-like coffee shop and is reminded that she is supposed to virtually attend a quarterly meeting being held in VR. Later, she receives a virtual invitation to a wine tasting party which she accepts. She accepts another invite to meet up with Nathan to attend a rap concert and joins her grandmother at a virtual Cat Art museum.
The video comes to a close with the grandmother looking over a virtual invitation to attend another museum exhibit soon from her granddaughter who happens to be named Lilly. Note that the gifted NFT is floating in the background.At the end of the video, HTC says,"The gift of infinite time, infinite space, and infinite love in Viverse.