'It was awful watching her - she was extremely distressed and we were terrified.'
Masie acts as a support dog to Callie Wingfield, 38, and she now wants compensation alongside her mum Michele Wingfield A woman who spent £6,000 on vet bills because her dog got grass seeds up her nose has blamed the council for not clearing cut grass. Michele Wingfield, 60, from Hartley, Kent, first noticed something was wrong with Masie the Westie when she couldn’t stop sneezing after walking through ‘piles of cut grass’.
‘Wildlife like foxes can’t avoid the cut grass – and no one’s going to pay for the vet for them.’ Masie is Callie Wingfield’s support dog and Callie is Michele’s 38-year-old daughter. Masie needed an operation to remove the grass seeds from her nose and paws at a specialist centre three days after the incident.