Thomas said he faces an “an uphill battle” as the stroke impacted his speech. He is “making great progress” regardless, according to son Thomas Markle Jr.
“I feel hugely grateful and know how lucky I am to be alive,” Thomas, 77, told the“I want to thank everyone, especially the wonderful doctors and nurses who saved my life. They are angels.”
The stroke evidently impacted Thomas’ speech, as the newspaper reported he shared the message by “writing on a whiteboard with a felt-tip pen.” “I will be here for Dad and do whatever it takes to help him on his road to recovery. It’s been a terrible shock for everyone, but Dad is a strong man,” Thomas Jr., 55, said, adding that his father was already “making great progress” with the help of a speech therapist.
, “He just needs some rest. It’s a travesty how much he’s been tortured and how much he’s had to go through thanks to my sister [Meghan]’s disregard the past few years. That is unforgivable.”