New IIHS side-impact test flunks virtually every mainstream midsize sedan, wagon
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Polio virus found in New York wastewater, but no new cases - New York Amsterdam NewsThe polio virus was detected in wastewater samples from the suburban county near New York City where an unvaccinated adult recently contracted the life-threatening disease, but health officials said Tuesday they have not identified any additional cases.
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The Star Wars Prequel Series 'Andor' Has a New Trailer and a New Premiere DateThe trailer for the 'Star Wars' series 'Andor' brings back some familiar faces and introduces a mysterious new one. Watch the dramatic teaser and find out the show's new premiere date.
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Leaders in New York celebrate new bill aiming to boost local economy and innovationThe CHIPS and Science Act - passed by the House last week - will boost semiconductor production, which local leaders are saying will boost local economies and innovation.
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Comings & Goings: Joey’s Red Hots opens new locations, new restaurant in former Traverso’s, and moreOrland Park-based Joey’s Red Hots is on track to open its fifth and sixth locations in the south suburbs this week.
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Polio virus found in New York wastewater, but no new casesThe polio virus has been detected in wastewater samples from the suburban county near New York City where an unvaccinated adult recently contracted the disease.
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