Nunchuck allows researchers to achieve low-volume screening and scaled-up formulation on the same machine, making it ideal to make LNP.
Nunchuck represents a groundbreaking platform, uniting two essential stages essential for creating precisely sized Lipid Nanoparticles : low-volume screening and efficient scaled-up LNP formulation. In a mere 10 minutes, users can swiftly evaluate eight different total flow rates to identify the optimal conditions.
Users can seamlessly transition to producing LNPs ranging from 0.250 mL to 1 L, all on the same day and using the same consumable. This eliminates the need for time-consuming one-flow-rate-at-a-time processes, providing users with the ultimate one-and-done LNP manufacturing solution.To make LNPs using Nunchuck, simply load the syringes filled with aqueous and organic solutions into the Nunchuck, lock them into the Nun consumable, and start the process.