I had to say good-bye to all my life plans and somehow find a way to live.
I imagined awith him. We both wanted kids and were excited for him to start his business, so we decided I’dwith the kids. We had our little two-bedroom cape and couldn’t wait to build a bigger home together when our family grew, which it did very quickly.
And then, things took a turn. It was a slow change, death by a thousand cuts. We’d grown apart and wanted different things, and the intimacy in our marriage was gone. We started out as each other’s rocks, but we became two people going through the motions. It made us both sad and irritable, and after years of trying, we knew we had to salvage what we could of our friendship before we started to hate each other.. Not the words that spilled from our mouths.
. Times when I know I should be counting my blessings, but I long to have someone to talk to about how scared I am that groceries and gas prices are skyrocketing and that I’m not getting half as much work as I used to. If I’m struggling with a family problem or need a hug and someone to talk to, yes, my friends are lovely, but it’s not the same as having a partner you trust, who tells you the two of you can get through it, together.
I don’t mind being single. I’d rather handle things on my own than settle for someone who isn’t right for me. But I never planned on being a single mother. I never thought this would be my life, and yet, here I am.