GOP lawmakers are calling for increasing production, capacity and transmission of the state's natural gas resources to help end the state and nation's reliance on foreign energy suppliers.
House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, R-Centre County, surrounded by more than a dozen House Republicans, discusses his caucus' energy independence ideas in the wake of President Joe Biden's decision to halt importing Russian oil. March 8, 2022 Jan Murphy | [email protected] Republican lawmakers are calling on Gov.
“As our nation and our world’s leaders are looking to countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia – countries that do not share our values – for them to produce and increase production to make up the difference. They really should be looking here at Pennsylvania,” he said. She went on they “have nothing to do with the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. While Republicansthe invasion by Russia to line the pockets of the natural gas industry and dismantle critical actions to address climate change, the governor remains focused on ensuring Pennsylvania supports Ukraine and severs any financial ties with Russia.”
The way Rep. Clint Owlett, R-Tioga County, sees it, “capitalizing on our own resources can end dependence on foreign oil and gas is common sense.” He plans to offeron state forest lands to boost production. House GOP lawmakers also want to halt Pennsylvania’s entry into the multi-state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative , which they say will disincentivize the use and production of natural gas, and invest $250 million of federal COVID-19 relief aid into the research, development and construction of carbon dioxide and methane reduction technologies for electric generation and manufacturing.