Police are investigating four carjackings of Uber and Lyft drivers during a three-week span. Young girls were involved in all four cases.
from 2019 to 2021, according to Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office statistics.
The two 14-year-olds are charged in connection with most recent carjacking of a rideshare driver on Jan. 6. Cleveland officers later spotted the car on West 73rd near Clark Avenue. They chased the car until it stopped on Detroit Road at West 101st Street, near where the Uber driver picked up the teens. The car stopped, let out a passenger and sped away.
The Lyft driver got out to help look for the phone. The duo attacked her, threw her on the ground and drove away in her car, according to a police report. Another carjacking happened New Year’s Day. A 44-year-old Uber driver told police he picked up three young girls about 10 p.m. and dropped them off on Parkway Drive near East 123rd Street.