As we set our clocks ahead one hour, now is also the perfect time to adjust other household items such as your smoke detector.
created by the National Fire Protection Association encourages homeowners to change their smoke detector batteries whenever they're changing their clocks for DST, equating to twice a year.
Depending on the type of batteries used in your smoke detectors, you may need to replace your battery annually at the minimum., according to the NFPA. Once you start hearing that dreaded"chirping" noise, signaling that the battery is low, you'll need to replace the entire smoke detector promptly. When in doubt about when to change the batteries or what kind of batteries to use, the NFPA recommends following the alarm manufacturer's instructions, which may end up being brand- or even model-specific.Take the time to test your smoke detectors regularly.
All smoke detectors in the home should be tested at least once a month—but don't worry, it's quick and easy to test them. Simply push the"test" button on the exterior alarm and wait for it to respond.