The Alaska Ombudsman released findings on Monday which conclude that state correctional officers based in Anchorage used excessive force against three prisoners when they sprayed them with pepper spray and then left them inside a van.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The Alaska Ombudsman released findings on Monday from an investigation into an excessive force complaint against the Alaska Department of Corrections from November 2017, and the report concludes that state correctional officers based in Anchorage used excessive force against three prisoners when they sprayed them with pepper spray and then left them inside a van.
The officers also did not allow them to properly decontaminate following their exposure to the spray, the report found. A review of security footage showed that one inmate was able to shower following the incident, but two others were not provided with water, soap, towels or clean clothes. The report also found that the department’s misconduct investigation into the incident failed to hold the officers accountable.