Statement from SecBecerra on SCOTUS COVID-19 Vaccine Decisions:
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra released the following statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to allow implementation of the health care facility vaccination rule, as well as the Court’s decision to block broader vaccine requirements for businesses:
“Allowing implementation of the rule that health care facilities require their workers to be vaccinated will undoubtedly save lives. This is an important requirement to protect patients. Health care workers are giving their all, every day, to battle this pandemic and save lives, and this rule will help ensure that our hospitals and health care facilities are safer environments.
“At the same time, it is disappointing that broader vaccine requirements have been struck down. Vaccine requirements work. They save lives. They are common sense. They are based on science. Right now, all across the country, many businesses and institutions have already begun implementing vaccine requirements, and as the President has urged, I encourage even more to do so. We all have a responsibility to protect one another and keep our communities and workplaces safe.