ICYMI: Today, our retrospective series on PokemonTCG: Sun & Moon - LostThunder focuses on the Fairy-types, with the Cutiefly & Morelull lines. Pokemon
\nBleeding Cool's retrospective journey through the Sun & Moon era of the Pokémon TCG continues. Now that our spotlight series has moved through the first nine sets of this block , it is now time to look at the next set from this era: Sun & Moon – Lost Thunder. This expansion was released on November 2nd, 2018. This set was largely Zeraora and Lugia themed but it also included cards featuring other major fan favorites including Mimikyu, Suicune, and more.
\nRibombee: We've got a cute face here! I love Fairy-types for their softness and whimsical nature, and illustrator Hasuno draws a Ribombee that looks perfectly happy with life. From the crisp blue sky to Ribombee's tranquil smile, this is a nice one.\nMorelull: I love the weirdness of Morelull, where the design is essentially 'cute mushroom infestation.