Chosen as this year’s recipient of the President’s Award at Karlovy Vary Film Festival, Ethan Hawke met with journalists at the Czech event to discuss his career, projects and the ongoing pandemic.…
met with journalists at the Czech event to discuss his career, projects and the ongoing pandemic.
Hawke also opened up about his next possible film with Richard Linklater about transcendentalism, the 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England, which attracted the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and “Little Women” scribe Louisa May Alcott. “I could make a case that ‘Boyhood’ is a prequel to ‘Before Sunrise’ – Ellar Coltrane is playing Richard Linklater’s surrogate and then I start playing Richard Linklater’s surrogate. It’s like the Marvel universe!,” he said, praising Patricia Arquette and Julie Delpy’s subdued performances in the films.
“I thought Robin [Williams] hated me. He had a habit of making a ton of jokes on set. At 18, I found that incredibly irritating. He wouldn’t stop and I wouldn’t laugh at anything he did,” he said, mentioning that in the end, it was Williams who got him his first agent. “He called, saying, ‘Robin Williams says you are going to do really well.’ There was this scene in the film when he makes me spontaneously make up a poem in front of the class.