This app taught me everything I know about cocktails.
For a long time I felt the same way about making cocktails as I did about learning to code. And that is to say: not for me. It’s not that I didn’t think either were solid life choices—one will make you popular and the other will make you rich—it’s just that I honestly couldn’t tell you what Chartreuse is any more than I could JavaScript. I am almost 31 years old, with no basic cocktail knowledge, and it felt too late to start learning now.
Until one night it struck me that—as someone who recently learned to snowboard, regularly surfs big waves, and once stood on the spikes of a deadly fish andSoon after our trip I found my cocktail teacher in the form of an app:, which was designed for bartenders, restaurants, and drink nerds but features a very simple, beginner-friendly user interface and 450 recipes for cocktails and ingredients like syrup.