They're always a bit much.
This gentle water sign might appear innocent at first glance, but it can be an illusion. Newman warns that while Pisces appear"lovely and innocent, don't be misled" because"they embrace drama and enjoy being the center of attention."
Evans says that Gen-Z reflects Pisces' need for drama:"The youngest members of Gen-Z, from 2003 to 2010, were born under Uranus in Pisces. This can lead to sudden emotional disturbances, rollercoasters, or experiencing a flood of tears at any moment." Just because this sign is known for being emotional, it's not always a bad thing—especially if you're going through something and need a shoulder to cry on."If you're looking for someone to cry with, a Piscean will not only share your drama with you but know it's on the horizon before anyone else," Evans says.Out of the signs on this list, Leo is the biggest drama queen."They get pleasure out of gossiping and causing drama," says Newman.
Evans agrees."It's only fitting that a drama queen might roar like a Leo since the Lion represents royalty," she says.