The University of Michigan has reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit brought by students who sought to force changes in how the school protects the campus from sexual misconduct.
who reported emotional or sexual abuse by Martin Philbert, who over 25 years rose from professor to provost, Michigan's senior academic official. He was removed in 2020.
The core of the settlement, which still requires the approval of U.S. District Court Judge Victoria Roberts, is the creation of the CCRT, which plaintiffs' attorneys said are widely recognized by experts as an indispensable tool in the fight to prevent campus sexual violence.Michigan’s full CCRT will meet at least three times a year to “assess, plan, monitor and evaluate sexual misconduct prevention and response efforts,” the university said in a statement.
The latter, Tamiko Strickman, who also serves as a special adviser to school President Mary Sue Coleman, said a review of existing Coordinated Community Response Teams elsewhere led her to one at the University of California, Berkeley, which she views as a model for University of Michigan.