Musicians singing in Ukrainian dominated all of YouTube’s weekly charts of top artists in Ukraine in 2023 as shown in YouTube’s own data. The “notes_veterans” Telegram channel, which has 305,000 subscribers, features posts that are almost exclusively in support of the Russian war in Ukraine. When writing about Ukrainian people, the channel uses the derogatory slang term that Ukrainians are not watching music videos in Ukrainian on YouTube, “notes_veterans” included a screenshot showing a list of the top five performers, four of whom are Russians, along with Taylor Swift, who sings in English. The screenshot has the logo of New Musical Express (NME), a British musical magazine, but has no reference to the source.
Music ians singing in Ukrainian dominated all of YouTube’s weekly charts of top artists in Ukraine in 2023 as shown in YouTube’s own data. The “notes_veterans” Telegram channel, which has 305,000 subscribers, features posts that are almost exclusively in support of the Russian war in Ukraine.
When writing about Ukrainian people, the channel uses the derogatory slang term that Ukrainians are not watching music videos in Ukrainian on YouTube, “notes_veterans” included a screenshot showing a list of the top five performers, four of whom are Russians, along with Taylor Swift, who sings in English. The screenshot has the logo of New Musical Express (NME), a British musical magazine, but has no reference to the source
Ukrainian Youtube Charts Musicians Support Russian War Derogatory Slang Top Performers Russians Taylor Swift English New Musical Express NME