You can pause and preview your WhatsApp recordings.
The experience of recording messages is also improving. WhatsApp now lets you pause and resume your recording, so you don’t have to leave large gaps of silence if you’re thinking of what to say next or redo a recording if you need to have a brief conversation in real life. You’ll also be able to listen to a message before you send it to make sure you didn’t accidentally get cut off or include something you didn’t want to.There’s also a slight aesthetic improvement.
These improvements will likely get a lot of use — WhatsApp says that users send an average of 7 billion voice chats. While some similar features were already available in other apps , it’s definitely nice to see WhatsApp’s version getting some attention.Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week.Please confirm your subscription to Verge Deals via the verification email we just sent you.