The FDA said more than 7,000 rare diseases affect more than 30 million people in the United States.
Because rare diseases are largely unknown, doctors say even experimenting with proposed treatments can be challenging.
"The inherently small population of patients with a rare disease can also make conducting clinical trials difficult," the agency said. The FDA said the U.S. has addressed the issue of rare diseases when Congress created the Orphan Drug Act in 1983. An orphan drug is a drug for a rare disease or condition. The act was designed to incentivize the development of drugs to treat rare diseases. Companies and other drug developers can request orphan drug designation and receive tax credits. Meanwhile, NORD encourages people around the world to raise awareness about the holiday.
"With each passing year, February 28 has continued to grow into an essential celebration to engage the rare community, elevate the stories of patients and families, and drive donations, the creation of new critical resources and innovative research in the rare disease space," the organization said.